2024-01-19 02:40:59 +01:00

161 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using static System.Math;
/** Cable Joints algorithm based on Paper by Matthias Müller, Nuttapong Chentanez, Stefan Jeschke and Miles Macklin*/
public static class CableJointsAlgorithm {
public static void TimeStep(List<GameObject> cableStartingPoints) {
//handle each cable individually
foreach (var cable in cableStartingPoints) {
float totalDist = 0;
//calculate new attachment points for all joints
for (var go = cable; go != null; go = go.GetComponent<RollerProperties>().linkTo) {
if (go.GetComponent<RollerProperties>().linkTo != null) {
var dist = go.GetComponent<DistanceJoint2D>();
var rp = go.GetComponent<RollerProperties>();
var (left, right) = rp.updateDistanceJoints();
rp.actualDistance = dist.ActualDistanceInWorld();
if (left.HasValue) {
dist.distance -= left.Value;
if (right.HasValue) {
dist.distance += right.Value;
totalDist += dist.distance;
//Debug.Log(": l: +"+left+" r: -"+right);
//Debug.Log("Total distance for cable: "+totalDist);
public static Vector2 TangentPointCircle(GameObject fixedPointObject, GameObject circleObject) {
var fixedObject = fixedPointObject.GetComponent<RollerProperties>();
var roller = circleObject.GetComponent<RollerProperties>();
var fixedTransform = fixedObject.transform;
var rollerTransform = roller.transform;
//assume round rollers only
var rollerRadius = rollerTransform.lossyScale.x / 2;
Vector2 d = rollerTransform.Position2d() - fixedTransform.Position2d();
var dLen = d.magnitude;
if (dLen > rollerRadius) {
float alpha;
if (d.x >= 0) {
alpha = (float)Asin(d.y / dLen);
else {
alpha = (float)(PI - Asin(d.y / dLen));
float phi = (float)Asin(rollerRadius / dLen);
//TODO: check if should be roller.clockwise
if (fixedObject.clockwise) {
alpha = (float)(alpha - PI / 2 - phi);
else {
alpha = (float)(alpha + PI / 2 + phi);
var p1 = rollerTransform.Position2d() + rollerRadius * new Vector2((float)Cos(alpha), (float)Sin(alpha));
return rollerTransform.InverseTransformPoint(p1);
throw new Exception("Overlapping Rollers Error");
public static (Vector2, Vector2) TangentCircleCircle(GameObject g1, GameObject g2) {
var roller1 = g1.GetComponent<RollerProperties>();
var roller2 = g2.GetComponent<RollerProperties>();
var t1 = g1.transform;
var t2 = g2.transform;
//assume round rollers only
var r1 = t1.lossyScale.x / 2;
var r2 = t2.lossyScale.x / 2;
Vector2 d = t2.Position2d() - t1.Position2d();
float r = r1 + r2;
if (roller1.clockwise == roller2.clockwise) {
r = r2 - r1;
var dLen = d.magnitude;
if (dLen > r) {
float alpha;
if (d.x >= 0) {
alpha = (float)Asin(d.y / dLen);
else {
alpha = (float)(PI - Asin(d.y / dLen));
float phi = (float)Asin(r / dLen); //TODO verify, paper says "|c|"
float alpha1, alpha2;
if (roller1.clockwise == roller2.clockwise) {
if (roller1.clockwise) {
alpha1 = (float)(alpha - PI / 2 - phi);
alpha2 = (float)(alpha - PI / 2 + phi);
else {
alpha1 = (float)(alpha + PI / 2 + phi);
alpha2 = (float)(alpha + PI / 2 + phi);
else {
if (roller1.clockwise) {
alpha1 = (float)(alpha - PI / 2 + phi);
alpha2 = (float)(alpha + PI / 2 + phi);
else {
alpha1 = (float)(alpha + PI / 2 - phi);
alpha2 = (float)(alpha - PI / 2 - phi);
var p1 = t1.Position2d() + r1 * new Vector2((float)Cos(alpha1), (float)Sin(alpha1));
var p2 = t2.Position2d() + r2 * new Vector2((float)Cos(alpha2), (float)Sin(alpha2));
return (t1.InverseTransformPoint(p1), t2.InverseTransformPoint(p2));
throw new Exception("Overlapping Rollers Error");
public static float CirclePointDistance(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, GameObject c) {
Vector2 p1diff = c.transform.Position2d() - p1, p2diff = c.transform.Position2d() - p2;
var circumference = c.transform.lossyScale.x;
var angle1 = Math.Atan2(p1diff.y, p1diff.x);
var angle2 = Math.Atan2(p2diff.y, p2diff.x);
if (angle2 < -PI/2 && angle1 > PI/2) {
angle2 += 2 * PI;
else if (angle1 < -PI/2 && angle2 > PI/2) {
angle1 += 2 * PI;
var delta = angle2 - angle1;
var dist = circumference * delta;
if (!c.GetComponent<RollerProperties>().clockwise) {
dist *= -1;
//Debug.Log(": angle1: "+angle1+" angle2: "+angle2+" -> delta: "+delta+" circumferecne: "+circumference+" dist: "+dist);
return (float) dist;